Wheat Berry Parfait with Blueberry Compote

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Yields: 4 servings

If you are looking for something a little different for breakfast then why not try this Wheat Berry Parfait. Serve it in a fancy glass for a touch of elegance or throw it in a mason jar to take it on the go. You can use any kind of cooked grain you like and the yogurt can easily be switched to dairy if required. Have fun, change it up however you like with your favourite nuts, seeds and seasonal fruit. Enjoy!

  • 2 cups fresh or frozen blueberries

  • 2 tbsp maple syrup

  • ½ tsp cinnamon

  • 1 to 2 tsp arrowroot powder or corn starch (mixed with a little water)

  • 2 cups cooked grains of choice such as Anita’s Organic Einkorn, Soft White, Hard Red, Red Fife etc. we used Spelt Kernels for this recipe but any will work.

  • 2 cups of vanilla yogurt (1/2 cup per person) or make your own by mixing vanilla powder and a little maple syrup to plain yogurt.

  • ½ cup coconut chips toasted

  • ½ cup flaked almonds or chopped nuts of choice

  1. Firstly, make the compote layer by combining the blueberries, maple syrup and cinnamon in a small heavy based pan. Cook over a gentle heat until the blueberries have released their juices and cooked down a little. Add the arrowroot & water mixture to the blueberries and return to the heat. The sauce will thicken with gentle heating but if not thick enough add a little more slaked arrowroot/corn starch to the mixture. Remove from the heat and allow to cool down completely while you prepare the rest of the ingredients.


  1. Use a stemmed glass for a fancy breakfast or a mason jar for a transportable breakfast. Start with a layer of compote, then cooked grains, followed by the yogurt, then some chopped nuts. Repeat these layers once more and then finish off with a little compote and chopped nuts on the top.