No Knead Maple Sage Pecan Bread

Anitas-Organic-Mill-Winter Recipe-no-kneed-bread-fresh-baked-la-creuset-red-hot-Web.jpg

Yields: 1 Loaf

  • 350g Anita’s Organic All Purpose Flour

  • 140g Anita’s Organic Stone Ground Spelt Flour

  • 300g water

  • ¼ tsp instant yeast

  • 11g salt

  • 30g maple syrup

  • 60g pecans, roughly chopped

  • 8 sage leaves, chopped

  1. Combine yeast and water, then mix remaining ingredients until no dry bits remain. Transfer to an oiled container and let rise overnight (10-12 hours) until doubled in size.

  2. Scrape dough out onto a lightly floured counter being careful not to deflate it as much as

    possible. Shape by stretching each side up and pressing it down into the center of the dough.

    Place seam side down in a banneton or cloth-lined bowl that has been thoroughly dusted with

    rice flour to prevent sticking.

  3. Allow the shaped dough to rise for 1 hour. Meanwhile set the oven to 500 degrees F and place a

    round cast iron dutch oven into the oven while it preheats.

  4. Tip the dough out onto a square of parchment and place the dough and parchment into the

    preheated dutch oven. Bake with the lid on for 20 minutes.

  5. Reduce the heat to 450 degrees F and remove the lid. Bake an additional 10-15 minutes until

    dark brown and crusty.