German Vollkorn Bread

anitas organic mill-german vollkorn bread-recipe.jpg

Yields: 2 loaves

This tasty, filling loaf is made with 3 kinds of Anita's Organic Flour – white, whole wheat and rye. The combination of these three flours delivers a hearty, crusty, dense loaf. Allow yourself two days to create this delicious bread.


Day 1:

  • 230 g Anita’s Unbleached White Flour

  • 4g Fresh Yeast (or 2g dry yeast)

  • 145 ml Water

Day 2:

  • 250 g Anita’s Stoneground Whole Wheat Flour

  • 60 g Anita’s Rye Flour

  • 12 g Sea Salt

  • 28 g Fresh Yeast (or 14g dry yeast)

  • 230 ml Lukewarm Water

  • 20 g Molasses


  • 60 g Sesame Seeds

  • 60 g Pumpkin Seeds

  • 60 g Golden Flax Seeds

  • 60 g Sunflower Seeds


Day 1:

  1. Combine the white flour, yeast and water and knead it into a smooth dough (approx. 2 - 3 min), cover the dough in a container or mixing bowl and allow it to ferment at room temperature for 16 - 20 hours.

Day 2:

  1. Combine the pre-dough from the previous day with the whole wheat flour, rye flour, salt, molasses, yeast and water and knead all together until smooth and elastic and a good gluten network is established (approx. 8 - 10 min).

  2. Add the seeds to the dough and knead them in for a minute.

  3. Cover the dough and allow it to ferment and double in volume for approximately 60 min.

  4. Split the dough in two pieces and shape them round into a ball, allow to rest again for 10 min. Shape the dough into their final shape (round, loaf pan or oblong).

  5. Place the finished, shaped loaves in a warm area, cover to prevent from drying out and allow them to rise until they double volume once again.

  6. Bake the bread at 400 F for approximately 30 - 40 min.