Ancient Emmer & Beer Bread

Ancient Emmer & Beer Bread_Anita's Organic Mill_Hero.jpg

Yields: 2 Loaves

A bold loaf made with our Anita's Organic Emmer (Farro) Flour. This lesser known flour is a parent to the more commonly known Spelt and can be used in many recipes that call for spelt. Emmer Flour does not have the same sweet taste that Spelt does but instead has a delicate, nutty flavour.



  • 1 cup Anita’s Organic Spelt Flour, Fine Grind or Sprouted

  • 1 cup Anita's Organic Type '00' Pizza & Pasta Flour

  • 1/2 tsp Instant yeast

  • 1 tsp Salt

  • 1 cup Warm water


  • 90 g Anita’s Organic Whole Emmer Flour

  • 160 ml Dark Craft Beer (or water)

  • 4 g Salt

  • 2 g Fresh Yeast (or 1 g dry yeast)



  1. Knead the dough for approximately 6 - 8 minutes or until the dough feels smooth, subtle with a good elasticity. The gluten strands of Emmer grain are not as elastic as wheat gluten, so a gentle kneading would be more appropriate.

  2. Try to have the dough temperature at around 78 F after kneading to ensure a healthy fermentation.

  3. Allow the dough to double up in volume (approximately 60 - 90 min).

  4. Shape the dough nice and round and place them onto the sheet pan to be used and allow them once again to double up in volume.


  1. Combine all together and spread it gently over the top of the loafs, dust well with flour

  2. Bake (with steam if possible) at 425 F for approx. 30 - 45 min.